Epiphany music concert at St Bartholomew’s on Friday 15 September 2017

We’re pleased to welcome the Epiphany ensemble back to Tardebigge, after the success of their last visit here in 2015.

They will be performing popular classical music pieces and creating their unique, improvised ‘sound portraits’.

The concert starts at 7.30pm on Friday 15 September, at St Bartholomew’s.

Tickets are £10 for adults, and £2 for children under 16, which includes a complimentary glass of wine or a soft drink.

To buy tickets and for more information, please

  • phone Jane Hall on 07980 358 252
  • email contact@tardebiggechurch.org.uk or
  • send us a message using the contact form.

For directions to St Bartholomew’s, click here for the Find us page.

About Epiphany

Epiphany are an ensemble of professional musicians who play in leading orchestras and ensembles throughout the UK and Europe.

They offer a wide range of musical styles, from more formal classical concerts to creative musical events using improvisation and innovation.

Sound portraits

The ensemble’s improvisations include creating individually-inspired ‘sound portraits’ – as the instrumentalists move around their subjects, they ‘surround them with sound’.

Click on the following links for more information about Epiphany and sound portraits (each link opens in a new window):